You’ve been working out for weeks – maybe even months.
You’re trying, putting in the effort, making it happen as best you can.
You may not be as consistent as you’d like (being a mom means that exercise often gets shoved to the bottom of your to-do list under 500 other things that seem so much more important).
But you’re doing the best you can with the time and energy you have. That’s why you’re getting frustrated. Because you’re trying and you’re just not getting the results you were hoping for.
Here are 3 possible reasons why.
1. You’re following a program that isn’t made for moms
Did you know that most trainers and fitness pros don’t actually have postpartum fitness specialist training?
When you walk into your average gym and work with a personal trainer, or stream a workout program on your laptop, or go to your local barre studio to take a group class, most of these professionals may be great at what they do, but they often don’t have any specialized training in the postpartum population.
Ironically, over 80% of women will give birth in their lifetime so postpartum women are not a “special population”; they’re the norm.
This means that it’s crucial that anyone working with women needs to know how to train during the postpartum stage. So your personal trainer, group fitness instructor, yoga guru, barre leader, CrossFit pro, running coach… they all need to be able to create a program that can not only get you great results, but has certain considerations in mind.
And I’m not just talking about considerations for when you’re “cleared” for exercise and looking to get back into fitness at 6-8 weeks postpartum.
This isn’t just about those first few weeks or months.
Once a woman is postpartum, she’s postpartum forever and there may be some considerations that need to be taken into account for the rest of her life.
Even if you had your baby years ago, there are still some considerations, strategies and tips you need to know.
This doesn’t mean you need to be treated like a delicate flower. Or that you can never do a challenging workout ever again (you absolutely can!) This simply means that you need the right strategies, approach and program that can give you the results you need in a way that’s right for your body.
You need a program that was made for you and your unique needs.
And those needs may even go beyond the workout themselves and into the approach you need – because you’re a busy mom. Your life looks drastically different from many other people who are trying to work out on a regular basis.
You don’t need to be humiliated into working out more.
You need someone who understands the unique needs of your body and what it’s like to be a busy mom on a daily basis so that they can create a program that works for you. In your life.
2. You’re doing random workouts
Yes, getting in any movement is good. So a random workout here and there is better than nothing.
But your best chances of getting the specific results you want (like a stronger core and better booty) is by following a proven program that gives you progressively more challenging workouts so you can actually see results and get stronger, and stronger as the weeks go by.
Sure you can open up YouTube and search for “lower body workout” or “core workout” and do whatever comes up. But if you want real results, it’s a much smarter strategy to follow a program especially designed to give you those results.
Besides, you don’t have time or energy to constantly have to decide what workout you should do, when you should do it, how often you should do it.
Make it easier on yourself and follow a step-by-step program made for you with a schedule and clear guidelines on what to do and when to do it.
That’s going to give you the best chance possible of making sure all the hard work you’re putting in will actually give you the results you’re hoping for.
3. You don’t have the support you need
Buying an exercise DVD, signing up for an online workout subscription, or getting a 5 class card at your local studio is the easy part.
Actually getting (and staying) motivated to workout is the hard part.
And you know you’ll probably run into those days where you’re just having a tough time getting started – even though you know it’s “good for you”
The exercises are only part of the equation. To get the best results, you need to know the secrets of what successful moms do differently – how they get and stay motivated.
And you need someone you can you turn to when you have a question about how to do a particular exercise. Or if you’re unsure about doing that workout or exercise when you have diastasis, prolapse, a hernia, low back pain, or other pelvic floor and core issues.
You need someone to help keep you accountable and ensure that the workouts you’re doing are truly right for your body.
Having the support you need takes the fear, uncertainty and guesswork out of the equation.
You’re no longer wondering “Is this safe for me?” because you have access to someone who can help make sure it is.
So if you’re not getting the results you want from your workouts, try focusing on these 3 key things and I’m positive that within the next couple months you’ll start to see some awesome shifts in your body (and energy, joy and confidence too!)
P.S. If you’re looking for a done-for-you option, check out Mom Booty Booster.
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