Do you have a friend who you can talk with about sex, orgasms, pleasure and how to get more of what you actually want out of your sex life?
If you don’t, I have a friend you can borrow.
Her name is Janna Denton-Howes (I know, the similarities in our names is crazy! Still makes me laugh 😆).
And I asked her to have a chat with me about the frustration, guilt and worry that surrounds a low desire for sex.
Maybe you’re under a lot of stress right now and that’s tanking your sex drive.
Maybe you used to want sex, but since baby came you’re kinda over it.
Maybe you’ve never really been into sex, it’s always just been something on your to-do list that you’ve never really enjoyed.
Whatever the case, I can’t wait for you to check out this interview with Janna.
We dive into:
- 2:00 :: The truth about how common having a low sex drive is and whether you’re “normal”.
- 3:35 :: Why forcing yourself to have sex is not the answer.
- 6:50 :: Why it’s not actually about sex, it’s about this.
- 10:51 :: What responsive desire is and how it may apply to you.
- 13:57 :: The mindset you must adopt in order to actually enjoy every sexual experience you have.
- 20:15 :: What men really want (based on Janna’s research and results from surveys she’s conducted).
- 33:09 :: The one thing Janna’s been doing for 3 years now that transformed her sex life in the best way possible.
So good, right?
I love chatting with Janna. She’s so real, relatable and smart. She always has the best answers.
If you’re interested, you can find her quiz right here.
Now we’d love to hear from you.
What one thing are you going to take from this interview and implement in your life right now? Let us know in the comments below.
And if you enjoyed this chat, please share it with all your friends.
Thank you for watching and remember – your pleasure matters.
Loved this video–I discovered your work about a year or so ago (married about 8 years, have struggled with sex the entire time), and I’ll be 100% honest, even hearing you guys talk about some of the stresses of sex created this heaviness of anxiety in my chest and gave me a tension headache! Especially the discussion of “saying no”. Our issues have improved greatly, (we’ve found things that “work”) but we still struggle a lot with penetration, almost every time. Will definitely be looking more into your work (I’ve been sort of passively reading your emails for a long time!)
So glad you loved it, SG! I hear you. The whole discussion of sex and sexuality can bring up so many thoughts and feelings. I highly recommend you sign up for Janna’s course the next time she offers it. She’s amazing!
And if you feel like your vagina “tightens up” and it’s even painful to try penetration, find yourself a great pelvic health physiotherapist. A great physio can be incredibly helpful in these kinds of situations.
I love the frank discussion 🙂 and remember some similar feelings from my teenage years. In my twenties I got to better terms with my body and needs.
After having kids, the issue has been that my husband isn’t really into it – he is worn down from kids, cooking and housework, and has a hard time getting into the mood. Scheduled sex has really saved us! I can deal with my needy feelings, as I know that that day is coming ;D
Thank you, Thia! That’s such awesome news that you’re in a much better space now.
Scheduled sex is such a misunderstood, hidden gem isn’t it? For everyone involved! Glad that it’s working for you two.