Motherhood is hard.
Really hard.
And it’s made even harder when we’re constantly comparing ourselves to other moms and feeling guilty or judged for making certain choices.
Like losing your cool in the middle of aisle 3 and screaming at your tantruming 4 year old to “Get. Off. The. Floor. NOW!”
Skipping brushing your kiddo’s teeth and putting them straight into bed because you’re just done.
Or putting your toddler in front of the TV so you can get a workout in (and then leaving them there so you can also get in a shower too).
Motherhood can feel like a revolving door of guilt, shame and judgment.
And it’s not just you.
According to one study out of England, a majority of moms don’t exercise because they feel guilty for taking time away from their kiddos (which I assume at least partially comes from a place of feeling like they’d be judged as being a “bad mom” for putting their own needs first).
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You’re allowed to put your needs first.
You’re allowed to not let those guilty feelings, and judgy assumptions ruin your day.
You simply need to remember these 3 truths…
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