Mobility is a key part of the postpartum fitness process that a lot of of my clients are surprised I include in their programming.
They signed up to get stronger, so why am I asking them to do warm-ups like these?
Because doing so will help you get better results, faster.
I like to describe it this way:
Say you’re doing a bicep curl.
If your bicep is tight, you might get a really small range of motion and not be able to extend your arm fully. Maybe you can only straighten it to 90 degrees or so.
If we did some dynamic stretching and mobility work before your workout, you’d likely be able to get more extension in your arm, which means you’ll get more gains from all those bicep curls.
So give this warm-up a try, and let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!
❤️ Jenna
P.S. Have you signed up for my free workout series yet?
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