Mom butt is real.
It happens a lot during pregnancy and postpartum.
I won’t bore you with the details because you’ve likely already seen this post.
So let’s just cut to the chase.
These 3 exercises are fantastic for building strength and helping banish mom butt.
How did it go?
Did you feel it in your glutes?
Feel free to do this workout 2-3 days a week if you want to help build that lower body strength and boost your bum!
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section below.
Catch ya next time!
❤️ Jenna
Thank you for this great butt buster. The bouncing squat was hard/amazing! Quick question for you, when I am doing lunges and bridges I am feeling it more in my quads then my glutes, am I compensating for weak glutes or is there something off with my technique? Thanks!
Those bouncing squats are sneaky hey, Tess?!
There could be some compensation going on and some tweaks to your form may also help. Try these tips:
1. Avoid tucking your glutes under at the bottom of the bridge and squeeze your glutes when you get to the top of the bridge.
2. Focus on pushing more from the heel side of your foot than your toes in lunges. And keep that natural curve in your low back to avoid tucking the glutes under.
Let me know how that feels!