There is one area that all moms want help with postpartum.
Pregnancy can take a toll on our core and no matter how fit you were before or during pregnancy, you’re going to need to rebuild some strength in your core muscles.
That’s why I created this workout video for you.
Before you dive in, make sure you understand how to properly engage your core muscles so you’re truly engaging your deep core muscles – the ones that’ll help you get stronger and help you regain that more toned core appearance.
You can do this core workout as a workout on its own, or add it to the end of a strength training or cardio session.
How did that feel?
If you have any questions about any of the movements, let me know in the comments below.
I hope you enjoyed your workout!
Catch you next time!
❤️ Jenna
How many reps of each workout do you suggest in each round?
Hey Amber,
I would recommend 15-20 reps for each exercise, for 1-3 sets. Enjoy!