How to Heal, Manage & Modify When You Have Diastasis, Prolapse or Leaking
How can I tell if I have diastasis? And what should I do to help heal it?
What does pelvic organ prolapse actually feel like? Can I workout if I have it?
I leak during exercise or if I laugh too hard. Is that normal?
Having a baby is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do.
Going through pregnancy, labor and delivery puts a ton of demands on your body.
And sometimes, after giving birth, issues creep up that can make you feel self-conscious and wonder if you’ll ever feel and look like yourself again.
That’s why I’ve put together some of my best tips to help manage these issues so you can feel more confident and comfortable in your body again.
Because it’s not your fault and this is not something you simply have to just live with for the rest of your life.
Diastasis Recti
How to Check for Diastasis Recti (And What to Do About It)

First things first, diastasis is a totally normal, healthy part of pregnancy. Our abs are designed to separate to make room for our growing tiny human.
But what happens when they don’t come back together after giving birth? How can you know for sure you have diastasis? What can you do to help heal it?
This Movement Could Be the Missing Key to Help Heal Your Diastasis Recti

The truth is that some trainers might tell you to avoid this movement, but it could actually be key to help your core heal and recover.
You simply need to know how to do it the right way.
Are You Missing This Crucial Step to Help Heal Your Diastasis?

There’s so much focus on how you exercise, how you’re aligned, how you breathe.
But there’s another piece to the diastasis puzzle that’s just as important.
If You’ve Got Diastasis, Do You Have to Stay Away From Crunches & Planks Forever?

This is a question I get in my inbox often.
When do I know I’m healed? How can I know it’s okay to start doing crunches and planks again?
“Help! My Diastasis Isn’t Healing!” Don’t Forget to Try This.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing is working, this post is for you.
How I’m Healing My Diastasis After Baby #2

Now that I have more experience with my own diastasis journey, I have more – hopefully insightful 😉 – things to say!
Here’s how I’ve helped my own body heal after baby #2.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Prolapse can be incredibly scary to deal with when you’re on the Google and reading all kinds of horror stories, statistics and less than optimistic opinions.
The truth is that you can have an awesome life – and get back into the workouts you love – if you know how to manage your prolapse well.
Incontinence (AKA Leaking)

A lot of moms assume that leaking (even just a little bit) is normal after giving birth. It’s just something you have to deal with right?
The truth is that leaking may be common but it’s not normal. It’s not something you have to simply live with for the rest of your life.
Peeing yourself is absolutely not your non-refundable entry ticket into motherhood.
Looking for more helpful content like this?
Sign up for your free postpartum workout program with must-know strategies to safely get back into exercise (especially if you’re dealing with diastasis, prolapse or incontinence).
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