This core workout is pretty sneaky.
It doesn’t look like much but it really helps to build your core and back strength, stabilize your pelvis, and make it easier for you to survive all the physical demands of parenthood.
There are a few key cues to pay attention to so make sure you watch the entire video – and pay close attention to your own form.
The key with carries is to walk in a controlled manner. You can walk as fast as you like, as long as you’re not flailing about wildly!
You also want to be able to breathe. So avoid sucking your belly button into your spine so much that you can’t get a good breath in.
You can add this to your strength training session as a great strength + cardio boost between reps of your usual exercises.
Try doing your carry for 30 seconds – 1 minute.
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See you soon!
❤️ Jenna
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