After having your baby you may have noticed that your core is feeling a little (or a lot) weaker than you remember it feeling pre-baby.
That’s why the core is one of the major areas I focus on when working with my clients.
And knee-ups are one of my favourite core exercises for moms because they can go from super basic, to very challenging.
In today’s video I give you 4 variations to try.
As you’re doing the exercises, try to remember these key cues:
- Squeeze the muscles by your armpits and push your hands into the ground to help engage your core.
- Keep breathing.
- Make sure your ribs stay stacked over your hips.
- Try to avoid rocking side-to-side as you lift your knees.
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Have a question about knee-ups? Feel free to ask me anything in the comments below.
Enjoy playing around with them!
❤️ Jenna
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