I played around with the idea of split-based training where I train a certain part of my body each day.
Mondays = glutes, Tuesday = chest, shoulders and triceps, Wednesday = quads and glutes, Thursday = back and biceps, Friday = hamstrings and glutes.
The truth?
When I finished day one I loved it! I love training glutes. I love how strong I feel doing glute exercises. I love those feel the burn feelings.
But after Tuesdays workout?
I decided to quit! 😂
Don’t get me wrong, I love training my upper body too. But I missed being able to also train my lower body.
So back to full body workouts for me!
If you’re anything like me and you love feeling a good glute burn, then give this workout a go.
It’s a quick 13 minutes and it’ll have your glutes burning by the end of it.
You can do all the exercises with just your bodyweight, or you can grab a mini band if you have one to up the challenge.
How did that feel?
The key thing when you’re training glutes (or any part of your body) is to be really mindful of form. A slight shift here or there can make a big difference.
Like when you sit back in that squat, instead of leaning over your toes.
Or when you drop your ribs in that bridge, instead of thrusting them up.
Or when you point the toes down in that straight-leg abduction, instead of pointing them up.
Small shifts. Big change.
So play around with the movements and enjoy feeling the burn!
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See you soon!
❤️ Jenna
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