The other day Avery, my four year old, had just watched over 3 hours of Netflix and she turned to me and said, “Mom can I watch one more?”
I could feel that tight, sick feeling somewhere between my stomach and chest as I said, “Sure. One more. But this will actually be the last one.”
I’m pretty sure I’d already said that twice, maybe three times already.
I just really wanted to get one last thing done and then I’d have time to play with her – at least that’s what I told myself.
Meanwhile the mom guilt began to eat me up as I struggled to remind myself that it’s okay, I’m still a “good mom”.
And I have a feeling I’m not alone.
In this coronavirus pandemic the pressure, stress and mom guilt is at an all time high.
The truth is that you are an amazing mom.
But right now it all feels so hard because you’re trying to manage a career that’s been suddenly turned upside down, an economy that’s crashing and the fear and uncertainty coming at you from all angles.
And this is all happening while you’re also trying to take care of your kiddo, your relationship, your own health, the dog, and all the other gazillion things.
It’s just a lot on your plate right now.
And you had a lot on your plate before so it’s an extra helping of a lot.
You just really need some simple strategies that will help you handle all the stress from work and life and motherhood right now.
You need some practical tools to help you ditch the feelings of guilt over not giving your kid enough attention, not feeding them healthy enough food, not changing them out of their pajamas before 3pm, not limiting their screen time, not staying calm and patient, not being a good enough mom…
And that’s where Christina Skiftun from Care.Yoga comes in.
She happens to be my sister and she has decades of experience and practice in the field of yoga and wellness. She uses breathwork, meditation, mindfulness and movement to drastically reduce stress and develop sustained stress management.
I think we could all use some sustained stress management tips right now, yes?!
So if you’re looking for practical tips to reduce stress and handle your mom guilt, this interview is a must-watch.
You’ll learn:
- 2:00 :: The key place you want to start when you’re hoping to reduce stress.
- 2:51 :: The mistake you may be making – when you’re faced with a stressful situation – that could be blocking your ability to let it go and feel happier.
- 7:13 :: What breathwork is and why you need it in your life.
- 10:50 :: How to bring more self care into your life without needing a ton of extra time to make it happen.
- 14:30 :: A quick, powerful strategy to deal with mom guilt and instantly feel better (instead of feeling crummy for the rest of the day).
Now that you’ve watched, Christina and I would love to hear from you in the comments below. What one thing are you going to take from this interview and implement in your daily life right now?
If you enjoyed this video please share it with all the moms in your life.
And remember – your needs didn’t stop when you became a mom. And your needs matter now more than ever.
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