Did you know that crunches actually aren’t the best exercise to get a stronger core?
And they’re definitely not something I recommend for most moms – especially new moms.
So what exercises should you do to get a stronger core?
There are actually so many great options out there beyond the traditional core exercises.
Like these 3 moves. These are great for moms because they’ll help you develop more strength in your core and they also mimic movements that you’re already doing on a daily basis. That means you’ll have more strength to keep up with the demands of motherhood.
All you need is a dumbbell, heavy ball, or even a small backpack with something in it (like a couple soup cans or a bag of rice).
Go light if you’re newer postpartum and still working on rebuilding your core strength.
If your body is ready for more of a challenge, grab a weight that feels heavy but doable.
You can add these movements into your workout routine or just do them on their own to give your core an extra boost.
I recommend you do 10-12 reps and 1-3 sets of the exercises.
As always, remember that form and technique are key and we don’t want you feeling any pain or pressure in your abdomen or pelvic floor.
So challenge yourself while still be mindful of how of your body is responding.
Enjoy the boost!
P.S. Have a friend who’s always looking for a good core workout? Send this her way.
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