I wasn’t prepared to feel as weak as I did after my first baby.
My abs felt like Jell-O.
My back was tight and stiff and sore.
I felt like I could barely lift or move without something, somewhere aching or feeling about as strong as a limp noodle.
So I did what most new moms do. I worked on rebuilding my core and pelvic floor strength.
But what I didn’t realize at that time was that there was another key area of my body that I wasn’t focusing on. And it’s as important – maybe for some moms even more important – than your core and pelvic floor.
That’s why I always make sure my clients don’t forget about this during their workouts.
If you want to dive in and learn more, check out this other post I wrote that goes into a bit more detail.
The bottom line is that – yes, we want to rebuild core and pelvic floor strength postpartum.
But that’s not it. That’s not all.
If you want to feel stronger, ditch back pain, and honestly have a better functioning core and pelvic floor you need to work on building strength in your glutes too.
Strong, toned glutes truly are the key to feeling and functioning well postpartum.
Although there’s the chance that – if you work on building a strong butt – your kid might end up being like mine and say, “Mom you have a big bum!” and proceed to drum on them like they’re bongos!
The joys of motherhood! 😂
#bigbums #strongbums
❤️ Jenna
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