Whether you do the whole “New Years Resolution” thing, or not, you can’t help but be caught up in the freshness of a new year.
You start dreaming about where you’ll be 360+ days from now.
What goals you’ll achieve.
What awesome adventures you’ll get to be a part of.
How healthy, happy, and fulfilled you’ll be on December 31st as you close out a stellar year.
The problem is that it’s easy to dream. It’s not as easy to do the things that lead to that dream becoming a reality. Especially when you’re a busy mom with a demanding career, small kiddos, a partner (and maybe a dog or parakeet to support too!)
You have a lot on your plate.
So how can I possibly even hint at the idea that you can get twice as many workouts in this year as you did last year?
Well it all comes down to this simple (yet fabulous) 3 step process.
[Read more…] about How to Double the Number of Workouts You Get Done This Year (Even Though You’re a SUPER Busy Mom)