You’re busy.
You’ve got to make breakfast, clean up breakfast, get showered, dressed, hair and makeup done (ish), get the toddler dressed (after spending 12 minutes convincing her that wearing shorts when it’s below zero is probably not the best choice), change the baby for the third time because he pooped (again), get snacks and lunches organized, put shoes and coats on (plus spend 8 minutes looking for that purple hat because she won’t wear the green or blue one), carry the toddler to the bathroom because she forgot to go pee before putting her shoes on, get everyone out to the car, kiddos in the carseats, come back in to grab the coffee you forgot on top of the dishwasher, lock the door (while you precariously balance your coffee, your bag and 2 lunch kits in one hand), put your seatbelt on, and try to take a deep breath before heading off.
And that’s just the first hour of the day.
You’re already exhausted. You’re already behind. You’re already feeling the “Ain’t nobody got time for that” frustration of #MomLife 😳
So how – for the love of all things motherhood – are you supposed to find time to workout?
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