Watching your body change during pregnancy and then not recognizing yourself postpartum can feel complicatedly difficult.
You love being a mom. You love your baby. But you’re struggling to love and accept your new body.
You may even be feeling some shame around how your body looks, feels and functions.
With so many “get your pre-baby body back” messages out there, struggling with body image after baby is tragically common.
So here are some research-backed tips and strategies to help boost your confidence.
The Easiest (Research-Backed) Way to Feel Better About Your Body Right Now
I’ll be honest.
It can be so easy to feel like your body is ruined after having a baby.
I remember looking in the mirror after Avery was born wondering if I’d look or feel like myself ever again.
Here’s how to feel better about your body right now.
Is Fat Loss Actually the Best Goal to Have In Your First Year Postpartum?
Is fat loss actually a healthy goal if you’re suffering physically, emotionally, or mentally to get there?
When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Make the Weight “Fall Off”
It can be so frustrating, hey?
You were told “Oh don’t worry about the baby weight. It’ll just fall right off when you breastfeed.”
But apparently your body didn’t get the memo because you’re not losing the weight you gained during pregnancy. Maybe you’ve even gained some weight since baby was born.
How to Stop Caring About Having the Perfect Post-Baby Body
I love the body positivity movement.
I love that we’re embracing all shapes and sizes and body types and the extra skin and fat and cellulite.
I love the message “love your body”.
The problem is that it’s so, so much easier said than done.
Here’s how to actually make it work for you.
No One Cares How You Look As Much As You Do (And That’s a Good Thing)
How many times a day do you worry what other people are thinking about you?
How often do you put on a bathing suit only to throw on a cover-up and wear it all day because you’re worried someone (or everyone) will notice some extra jiggle in your middle?
How does it make you feel when you notice someone looking at you?
Are you worried they’re examining all your flaws and thinking nasty things about you?
Well I have some good news for you…
Why “Looking Like You Never Had a Baby” Is Confidence-Bombing (And 21 Desires to Focus On Instead)
If there’s one phrase in the postpartum world that I wish would just take a hike it’s…
“You don’t even look like you had a baby!”
I get that people typically mean it as a compliment. They’re trying to make the new mom feel good about herself. It’s coming from a good place with good intentions.
But comments like this can do more harm than good.
Here’s why (and what to focus on instead).
Want to feel stronger and more confident in your body (without the “get your body back” pressure)?
Here’s a free workout program that can help you strengthen your core and boost your booty (with a side of loving motivational support).
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